The first post about future posts.

Hello there. After much deliberation, hand-wringing, cross-questioning and wondering if I really should, I decided I probably should.

Start writing again. Make a website. Give it a fitting name. Populate it with stuff from my archives. Okay, let’s go.

So with that out the way, what on earth am I going to write about? Well, after many years working ‘behind the curtain’ inside of large technology companies I felt it was the right time to share my leanings, learnings and observations with a wider audience. The intent for me is to create discussion, to generate energy around divergent opinions. I’ve seen firsthand the struggles that Design (still, after all these ‘at the table’ years..) as a practice suffers from. I’ve become acutely aware of the realities of technological hurdles, societal adoption and the ever-eroding right to privacy. The next post is focusing on the challenges of Speculative (or Futures, or whatever other similar term is in vogue) Design within slow-moving, often contrarian corporations. The post after that is going to look at The City vs. The Expanse, and the myopic narratives that permeate any form of balance.

I will also be deep-diving into how the near-future was stolen from us. So much promise and potential, lost in leviathanic-realities.

Anyway, it’s nice to be back. You can ask me something, or subscribe here if you like.

Speak soon,



Exit past the Water Cooler